53 Minutes
Professional Development Hours
1.0 PDH

This session introduces the concept of Grid-interactive Efficient Building (GEB), and GEB characteristics and its control platform architecture. Next, a GEB pilot test case utilizing an open-source VOLTTRON platform is presented to illustrate its key features and capabilities. Later in the session, several DOE-connected communities program projects are highlighted, and a detailed example of the connected communities project led by Slipstream is given to illustrate the GEB implementation process and challenges encountered.


Xiaohui "Joe" Zhou, PhD, PE, CEM, Director of Research and Innovation, Slipstream  

Xiaohui "Joe" Zhou is a Director of Research and Innovation at Slipstream, headquartered in Madison, WI. Joe has 30+ years of experience in commercial building controls and his current areas of research focus on emerging technology field testing and verification. Before joining Slipstream, he worked for several organizations, including Iowa Energy Center and Johnson Controls. He served as principal investigator for multi-million-dollar R&D projects sponsored by U.S. DOE, DOD, DOC, ASHRAE, and utilities. Joe has been an active member of ASHRAE since 2002 and is an AEE-certified energy manager. Currently, he serves as the Research Chair of ASHRAE Technical Committee TC 7.5 Smart Building Systems and is also the Chair of the ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee (SGPC) 36, High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems. He earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University (China), a master's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Iowa State University.

Scott Schuetter, PE, Principal Engineer, Slipstream  

Scott Schuetter is a Principal Engineer at Slipstream with 13 years' experience leading research projects that focus on emerging technology performance in the built environment. His commercial building experience encompasses field measurement and modeling of emerging technology performance for energy efficiency, electrification, load shift, load shed and continuous demand management. Scott manages projects, designs experiments, and conducts both theoretical and field research to analyze the applicability of new technologies to federal and state agencies and utility programs.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Introduce Grid-interactive Efficient Building (GEB) concept;
  • Discuss GEB controls and provide an example;
  • Review the DOE Connected Community program;
  • Discuss the Slipstream-led DOE Connected Community project process and lessons learned.