2.5 Hours
0.3 CEU

This recorded webinar features experienced energy savings performance contract (ESPC) teammembers in a live question-and-answer period following a live or prerecorded webinar. Session 4 continues the successful Just in Time webinar series to help federal agencies with specific areas of the ESPC process.

This session is intended for agency ESPC acquisition teams or individuals who are responsible and focused on transitioning agency resources into the contract administration phase of the project after task order award. The webinar will focus on best practices for common issues during the implementation/construction period.

Federal ESPC projects can present challenges during the implementation/construction period. Previous guidance for this ESPC project phase has paralleled conventional design-bid-build construction projects. But there are differences:

  • There is an energy service company (ESCO) in the middle of the process, who must develop a firm fixed–price proposal based on the 30% to 60% design stage;
  • The site may be managed by federal employees or a management and operating contractor;
  • Projects vary by size and complexity—from straightforward replacement projects (such as simple lighting upgrades) to new construction of cutting-edge technology (such as a combined heat and power plant);
  • Projects carry potential for cost, schedule, and scope exceedances which can affect the business case for these projects, particularly payback period and contract term and;
  • Construction execution issues can negatively affect the long-term energy and maintenance savings of these measures.


Kurmit Rockwell, ESPC Program Manager, Federal Energy Management Program   

Kurmit Rockwell is the Federal Energy Management Program's energy savings performance contract (ESPC) program manager. He oversees services, tools, and resources needed to assist agencies with implementing successful ESPC projects. Throughout his career spanning more than 25 years, Rockwell's work has included engineering and all aspects of ESPC project implementation for federal, state, and local governments. His work in the public and private sector energy services industry has focused on the evaluation and implementation of energy and water cost-saving technologies, smart–building energy optimization services, renewable energy systems, and demand-side management. He holds a Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York University and a Master's degree in building systems engineering from the University of Colorado. He is a registered professional engineer in multiple states.

Scott Wolf, Federal Project Executive, Oak Ridge National Laboratory   

Scott Wolf is a federal project executive at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he supports the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program. He assists federal agencies in the western part of the country with launching successful third–party financed projects and has worked with most federal agencies in the field. Previously, Scott also held professional positions at two universities and one state energy office where he conducted numerous studies and project work in energy efficiency. Scott also worked in the private sector for many years supporting various energy related activities. Overall, Scott has 30 years of energy technology and engineering experience, including performing technical analysis and energy program development in the government sector. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Solar Engineering Technology from Colorado Technical University.

Eusebio M. (Sam) Espinosa, Senior Subject Matter Expert, Contracted through Various Federal Agencies  

Eusebio M. (Sam) Espinosa is a senior subject matter expert providing contract management services to federal agencies. Eusebio has more than 40 years of experience in all types of contracting and dollars ranging from small purchases up to multibillions, including but not limited to base procurement and purchasing supplies and equipment for Air Force Weapons Laboratory. He served as the administrative contracting officer for the F–16 Program involving several U.S. and Foreign government agencies. He served as procuring/administrative contracting officer for the B-2 Program, administered research and development, full scale development, and production contract, while establishing the Contract Administrative Office. Eusebio was the senior contracting officer, Ballistic Missile Office, supporting Peacekeeper in Minuteman Silos and Small ICBM. He served as manager and senior contracting officer for the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration. He served as principle contracting advisor, energy saving performance contracts, for the nuclear sites, Office of Secure Transportation acquisitions, and Office of Environmental and Utilities Contracts, Independent Project Management Oversight, Tritium and National Energy Policy Act contracts, and Second Line of Defense, Nonproliferation contracts.

Terry Sharp, Building Scientist and Project Lead, ORNL's Building Technologies Research and Integration Center   

Terry Sharp is a building scientist and project lead in Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Building Technologies Research and Integration Center. He has extensive experience in developing advanced building energy performance rating tools, improving strategic energy management for buildings, energy savings performance contracts, project building and execution including risk assessment, risk minimization, and measurement and verification, analyzing energy use data from building portfolios, and in building energy performance assessments. Terry is a recognized expert in building energy performance benchmarking and metrics and has made contributions that enabled the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's highly–recognized ENERGY STAR Buildings Labeling Program, New York State's incentive program for commercial building upgrades, and ASHRAE Standard 100 for existing building energy efficiency. Terry is a professional engineer with M.S. and B.S. degrees in mechanical engineering.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, learners will be familiar with examples of critical issues during the implementation/construction period, including:

  • Government witnessing of energy conservation measures (ECMs) installation and performance testing and related data collection in support of the measurement and verification plan (included in ESCO proposal at award);
  • Government ECM functional performance tests in commissioning to ensure that installed ECMs undergo test procedures and meet the commissioning plan design intent (included in design and construction plans);
  • Level of resources committed to participating in ESCO periodic meetings updating construction schedule (previous month and planned month construction activity) and;
  • Notification of contracting officer of deviations of installed ECMs and delays.