by Joseph C. Dean, P.E. and Steve Geusic, P.E., for the Director, Corrosion Policy & Oversight (DCPO), (DASD) [Materiel Readiness]
Updated: 09-30-2021
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Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) reduces the cost of corrosion effects on Facilities and Infrastructure (F&I, referred to as "facilities") and increases sustainability and durability. Selection of the appropriate criteria for insertion in Construction and Sustainment contracts is essential. Criteria documents provide guidance on the technical application of construction standards, products, and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, including CPC. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 1-200-01 DoD Building Code "Corrosion Prevention and Control Requirements" Chapter provides extensive insights and requirements into addressing CPC in DoD Facilities. The Appendix in UFC 1-200-01 provides calculated Environmental Severity Classifications (ESC) using the Corrosion Toolbox (ICCET) for all DoD installations. The UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard requires that the designer of record address corrosion related requirements and to ensure that the UFGS "Notes to Designers" are inclusive of these requirements. From a CPC perspective, the editable nature of the UFGS is intended to provide the designer with the flexibility to match the appropriate material, coating, and installation procedure with the conditions that cause corrosion or environmental severity at the project site.
UFC Table 1 and UFGS Table 2 summaries have been developed to assist in finding the most relevant CPC criteria. Criteria plays an important role in the success of CPC because they provide corrosion guidance on a variety of topics at different levels of planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance, sustainment, restoration, and modernization of facilities. The majority of specifications and design manuals have prescriptive corrosion prevention requirements. Typically, these requirements represent an industry standard for a high level of corrosion protection. There are two main types of criteria that apply to CPC:
There are two main types of criteria that apply to CPC:
- (UFC)—UFCs provide planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria and apply to the military departments, the defense agencies, and the DoD field activities. UFC coverage includes implementation of consensus building codes and standards, the full range of architectural and engineering design disciplines and facility systems, and functional criteria for select facility types. UFCs are distributed electronically and are effective upon issuance. A list of key corrosion related UFCs can be found in UFC Table 1 .
- (UFGS)—UFGSs are used for specifying construction for the military services. UFGSs provide a full range of construction specifications for all facilities components and systems organized under the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), MasterFormat™. A list key of corrosion related UFGSs can be found on the UFGS Summary Page. It is important to remember that all UFGSs are intended to be editable by the designer. This flexibility allows for inclusion of enhanced CPC features, materials, and coatings necessary for the design use and appropriate environmental severity classification. A list of key corrosion related UFGSs can be found in UFGS Table 2 .
UFCs and UFGSs are unified criteria and are applicable to all DoD facilities construction projects. The DoD Unified Facilities Criteria program represents the facilities and infrastructure component of the DoDI 4120.24 Defense Standardization Program (DSP) . The United States Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) along with ASD (EI&E) are responsible for administration of the UFC system. Procedures for the development and maintenance of UFC documents are prescribed in MIL-STD-3007 Standard Practice Unified Facilities Criteria, Facilities Criteria And Facilities Guide Specifications.
Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) and Military Construction (MILCON) projects use industry-accepted construction and sustainment practices, standards, materials, and equipment for both acquisition documentation and to guide work performed in house by government employees. This is accomplished through the use of well-documented and easily accessible criteria. DoDD 4270.5 Military Construction , which provides guidance on MILCON program management, requires that UFCs and UFGSs shall be used to the greatest extent possible for planning, design, and construction (restoration or modernization) of facilities, regardless of funding source. Successful execution of SRM programs by the military services is essential to ensure facilities continue to meet operations and mission requirements. CPC represents a very large area of SRM focus. Identifying CPC deficiencies and determining how and when to resolve them can be a very complicated and difficult challenge for the facilities community. Consequently, good and timely CPC management is an essential part of the ongoing initiative to sustain DoD's facilities and installations.
Military construction projects typically utilize several different acquisition strategies such as Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build to accomplish the contract action(s). The project contract documents contain the project scope, performance clauses, and relevant criteria requirements for the designer of record to accomplish the task of preparing the design, plans and construction specifications. UFCs identify the consensus building codes and standards in addition to DoD unique design requirements. UFGS are used to develop the project specifications which delineate the requirements regarding the materials, products, installation procedures and quality aspects involved with execution of the work. It is the responsibility of the designer of record to edit the specification and tailoring it to the specific requirement. In the case of corrosion, the desired level of detail required in the criteria as directed by the ESC category delineated in UFC 1-200-01 associated with the building component such as material selection and grade, protective coatings and paints, and cathodic protection should be identified.
The Criteria listed in UFC Table 1 and UFGS Table 2 are intended to assist the designer, architect, engineer and sustainment professional in selecting the most appropriate CPC criteria documents relevant to the design, construction maintenance and repair of DoD Facilities. Where it occurs, certification and experience requirements for contractors, individuals, and manufacturers are addressed in the UFC or UFGS. Some of these have been briefly listed in the "Description" column of Tables 1 and 2. These may include certifications offered by NACE, SSPC, ACI, and MPI.
Criteria documents can be found in the form of other types of resources as well. The WBDG Federal Facility Criteria library provides a detailed list describing each which includes specifications, regulations, standards, policy letters, and ECBs.