
by Joseph C. Dean, P.E. and Steve Geusic, P.E. for the Director, Corrosion Policy & Oversight (DCPO), (DASD) [Materiel Readiness]

Updated: 06/27/2023


Expanding the knowledge and understanding of corrosion prevention and control (CPC) to best utilize criteria, new technologies, and promote good corrosion engineering practice is an essential goal of the Department of Defense (DoD) corrosion program overall. Having facilities CPC focused training is essential to ensure that planning, design engineers and architects, construction, and sustainment professionals can easily identify and focus on CPC requirements. The Facilities and Infrastructure Corrosion Evaluation (FICE) Study  found that facilities field professionals (e.g., engineers, architects, public works managers, tradesmen, etc.) would like to see short, and, to the point training packages available online. This Training page provides current training and educational opportunities available to facilities personnel in both the government and private sectors.

WBDG – Continuing Education Training Courses

The Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight (D, CPO) is partnering with the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) in providing CPC training focused on the needs of government and private sector professionals involved with the planning, design, construction, and sustainment of DoD facilities. Although the training is geared towards the DoD facilities lifecycle, the content is applicable to non–DoD facilities and relevant to the building and infrastructure community.

The expanded definition of CPC as defined in 10 U.S.C. § 2228 includes chemical deterioration of any material including corrosion of metals (rust), ultraviolet degradation, rotting of wood, degradation of concrete (carbonation, alkali–silica reaction phenomena, degradation of composite materials, destruction of organics from mold and mildew, and material degradation due to erosion, stress induced cracking, embrittlement. These corrosion mechanisms and the required prevention and control strategies are being addressed in the courses referenced and linked on this page and will ensure improved CPC related life cycle performance.

graphic showing experience, education, and CPC training in a funnel with a caption of longer life cycle through better decision making

The following training modules are available in the continuing education section of the WBDG at this link under "DoD Courses."

Additional CPC Coatings courses under development and planned for future release:

  • Coating Selection, Types, Performance, and the Environment (1 PDH)
  • Surface Preparation, Application of Coatings, and Coating Degradation and Failures (1 PDH)

Courses planned include (check this link for the latest course listing):

  • CPC Facilities Lifecycle (1 PDH)—Under Development
  • CPC of Buildings and Building Systems (1 PDH)—Under Development - Includes:
    • Building Envelope
    • Building Electrical and Mechanical Systems Humid Spaces and Mold and Mildew

Additional CPC Training Resources

For an expanded list of training resources see the Facilities Corrosion Knowledge Track Summary . This Proficiency Summary Table and the accompanying explanation identifies and organizes courses into "Tracks" (Basic, Subject Matter Expert, Inspector, Construction Surveillance, designer, Sustainment, Field Professional, and Acquisition) and "Levels" (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced). Note that these courses maybe required from to achieve certifications/qualifications identified in the UFC and UFGS criteria. However, proficiency development is not limited to courses provided by AMPP.org nor are these courses "required." The Table provides insights into how a facility professional, or one who supports facilities processes, might develop a better understanding of CPC.

Facilities Professionals can also investigate available training resources at the following websites: