
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 2014 Climate Change Assessment Roadmap lists four primary climate change phenomena likely to affect the Department’s activities:

  • Rising global temperatures
  • Changing precipitation patterns
  • Increasing frequency or intensity of extreme weather events
  • Rising sea levels and associated storm surge

These climate change phenomena translate into hazards and impacts at military installations. The Roadmap lists possible impacts to Plans and Operations, Testing and Training, Built and Natural Infrastructure, and Supply Chain and Acquisition. The occurrence and severity of these impacts will likely increase as the climate continues to change.
In accordance with Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 2‐100‐01, Installation Master Planning , and other DoD guidance, Navy Master Development Planners are directed "to consider" climate change in the development of Master Plans and projects. This Handbook provides the analytical framework, as well as tools and other guidance, to help planners understand how to consider climate change in their plans and projects for installation infrastructure. More specifically, this document leads planners through the process of identifying and assessing possible adaptation action alternatives, or methods for adapting to the impacts of climate change. These adaptation measures are intended to improve their installation's resiliency, or capability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant hazards.