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This introduction is intended to provide information that will facilitate more effective use of the National Institute of Building Sciences' (NIBS) Asbestos Abatement and Management in Buildings, Model Guide Specifications. It has been prepared by a NIBS project committee following the rules of the NIBS consensus process. This process provides an opportunity for representatives from the full spectrum of the building community to participate in the development and approval of the document.

This introduction attempts to describe asbestos abatement projects and how they differ from normal construction or renovation projects. It explains asbestos abatement and management in the context of the content and organization of contract documents and the roles and relationships of the participants in the process. This introduction contains specific information on the use of the NIBS Guide Specifications for assembling a comprehensive set of contract documents for asbestos abatement in buildings. The information is expected to be helpful for building owners, designers, environmental consultants, legal counsel, public officials, contractors, or others in need of practical knowledge on this topic.

After carefully reading this introduction, the user will better understand:

  • The design of an asbestos abatement project;
  • Basic elements of the construction and operation of buildings, insofar as it affects the abatement of certain asbestos containing building materials (ACBM);
  • How to assemble and contract with a qualified design team;
  • How to develop and coordinate contract documents;
  • How to develop and coordinate a bidding package;
  • How to negotiate and bid contracts; and
  • How to administer contracts.