This Manual is written to guide users in the safe management of lead-based paint, commonly encountered during the operation and maintenance (O&M) of homes and buildings. These procedures will help the user to: (1) control the creation of lead-contaminated dust, (2) control the scattering (dispersion) of this dust, (3) effectively clean up lead-contaminated dust and debris created by the work being done, and (4) protect the worker's health and safety. This Manual provides maintenance guidance to two different groups. The first group includes owners of single family residences and owners of small (3 or 4 unit) apartment buildings who do their own maintenance work. Manual users in this group should next read Chapter 2, and then may skip to Chapters 5 and 6. The second group includes owners and managers of multi-family residential or public and commercial buildings. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) work in these types of buildings may be performed by in-house staff or contracted to outside businesses. The Manual assumes that these maintenance workers are experienced and fully trained in their respective maintenance trades and in performing O&M work. Manual users in this group should next read Chapter 3, followed by Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
The term "operations and maintenance" is used by building owners and managers to describe the routine work necessary to operate and maintain a building whether or not lead-based paint is present. While homeowners do not use this term, work performed on houses for general upkeep is also considered "operations and maintenance" in this Manual. The Manual has taken everyday O&M activities for all types of buildings (including homes) and modified them for situations where lead-based paint may present hazards. These activities will help protect O&M workers, building occupants, and homeowners from lead hazards. They will also help prevent contamination of the environment from the resulting dust and debris. For example, changing the hardware on painted doors is described in a way to reduce the creation of dust and debris. Any dust and debris created by the work can be contained and cleaned up by following the simple directions. The O&M activities are described in such a way that a user can select the ones most closely resembling the work to be done. They can be modified, as explained in Chapters 2 and 3, for work that is similar to, but not exactly like, that described.