This Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) provides requirements for structures designed and constructed for the Department of Defense (DoD). These technical requirements are based on the 2021 International Building Code (2021 IBC), as modified by UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code, and the structural standard referenced by the 2021 IBC: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (hereinafter referred to simply as ASCE 7-16). The criteria further provides limited technical guidance for seismic evaluation and strengthening of existing buildings, and references ICSSC RP 10, Standards of Seismic Safety for Existing Federally Owned and Leased Buildings (RP 10) as well as ASCE/SEI 41-17, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (hereinafter referred to simply as ASCE 41-17). Additionally, for nonseismic retrofit of existing buildings, the criteria references the 2021 edition of the International Existing Building Code (2021 IEBC). This information is for use by structural engineers to develop design calculations, specifications, plans, and design-build Requests for Proposal (RFPs), and it is meant to serve as the minimum design requirement for DoD buildings.
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Superseded Versions
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UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering (04-11-2023)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 1 (10-01-2019)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering (10-01-2019)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 4 (06-01-2013)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 3 (06-01-2013)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 2 (06-01-2013)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 1 (06-01-2013)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering (06-01-2013)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 3 (01-27-2010)
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 2 (01-27-2010)
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UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering (01-27-2010)
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