This Logistics Facilities Design Guide sets forth general functional guidance for the design architect-engineer (A-E) to use in developing the design and the construction documents for Army National Guard (ARNG) projects that qualify for support, totally or in part, from federal funds. This guide is applicable to all construction projects, including new construction, major alterations, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of existing facilities. All ARNG facilities must be designed and constructed applying the principles and practices of sustainable design and development using the latest version of the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System to achieve a “Silver” rating. This Design Guide addresses the unique functional design requirements for specific types of logistics facilities. It should be used in conjunction with the General Facilities Information Design Guide (DG 415-5), which contains basic design guidance common to all Army National Guard building types. Together, the two design guides provide the functional performance information necessary to assist in developing the facility design.