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This retrofit converts an existing constant volume multizone HVAC system (MZ–CV) to a variable volume (MZ–VV) system for increased energy efficiency. The technique makes limited changes in instrumentation and uses a novel control scheme to reduce fan speed and coil use when not needed. A demand controlled ventilation option also reduces ventilation when spaces are unoccupied. The retrofit is significantly less expensive and less disruptive than a full system change-out (to VAV). This retrofit can be an interim solution to meet energy reduction targets and accrue savings now while postponing large capital investment. Field demonstration found 24–60% energy savings at the air handler. Typical applications are expected to pay back in 3–5 yrs.

A suite of design and implementation support tools steps a potential user through technology evaluation, procurement, and performance verification. The files are numbered roughly in the probable order of use. Pertinent document formats (including PDF , Excel spreadsheet , Word document , PowerPoint , and AutoCAD drawing files (zipped) ) allow rapid system analyses and development of procurement packages.

Title Date View
01- Multizone to Variable Volume Overview Fact Sheet 02-17-2022  PDF
02- Multizone to Variable Volume Technical Note 04-14-2022  PDF
03- Multizone to Variable Volume Savings Estimator 08-01-2022  XLSX
04- Multizone to Variable Volume Pitch Briefing 04-07-2022  PPTX
05- Multizone to Variable Volume Scoping Guide 04-05-2022  XLSX
06- Multizone to Variable Volume Design Guide with Performance Work Statement, Specifications Book, and Sequences of Operation 10-03-2022  DOCX
07- Multizone to Variable Volume Points Schedules 02-15-2022  XLSX
08.1- Multizone to Variable Volume Bypass Unit Controls Drawings 02-14-2022  PDF
08.2- Multizone to Variable Volume Conventional Unit Controls Drawings 02-14-2022  PDF
08.3- Multizone to Variable Volume Neutral Deck Unit Controls Drawings 02-14-2022  PDF
09- Multizone to Variable Volume Commissioning Guide 04-05-2022  XLSX
10.1- Multizone to Variable Volume Bypass Unit AutoCAD Drawings (12 files) 02-14-2022  DWG/ZIP
10.2- Multizone to Variable Volume Conventional Unit AutoCAD Drawings (12 files) 02-14-2022  DWG/ZIP
10.3- Multizone to Variable Volume Neutral Deck Unit AutoCAD Drawings (12 files) 02-14-2022  DWG/ZIP
11- Exploring a Multizone To Variable Volume HVAC Controls Retrofit 09-01-2022  PDF

A technology field demonstration was conducted, and these design and implementation technology transfer tools were developed by the Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL) under the DoD Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP).

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