This training series focuses on federal facility auditing requirements, types of remote audits, how to use the Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) building analysis tool, and how to perform remote audits and analyze the building data with FEDS. The primary drivers of this training are to provide information on the comprehensive energy and water evaluation (CEWE) requirements updated in the Energy Act of 2020, a tutorial on performing remote facility audits to satisfy the CEWE requirements, and the current resources and analysis tools that FEMP has developed to support agencies with completing CEWEs at federal facilities. This second training in the series provides an introduction to the FEDS building analysis tool.
Performing Remote Audits using the Facility Energy Decision System: 1 - Overview
Performing Remote Audits using the Facility Energy Decision System: 2 - FEDS Software Introduction
Bob Dahowski, Senior Sustainability Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Read Bio
Bob Dahowski, senior sustainability engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has more than 25 years' experience in building energy simulation and analysis, advanced technologies, carbon management, and techno-economic assessment. He holds degrees in mechanical and environmental engineering and is the development and training lead for the FEDS software. Bob has worked extensively with federal, state, municipal, and commercial energy managers and engineers on building energy auditing and applications of FEDS to meet a variety of goals, including analyses of facility energy efficiency, decarbonization, resilience, and climate change impacts.
Travis Stanislaus, Research Engineer, Buildings Systems Group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Read Bio
Travis Stanislaus is a research engineer in the Buildings Systems Group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Travis has a mechanical engineering background focused on energy systems and he specializes in energy and water auditing, building modeling, facility controls investigation, critical mission and utility infrastructure analysis, and distributed generation microgrid analysis to meet facility and campus energy and water efficiency and resilience goals.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this training, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the key features of FEDS;
- Recognize how to identify cost-effective technology retrofits through FEDS; and
- Recognize how to apply FEDS.