1 Hour
0.2 CEU

Typically, a data center houses a computer infrastructure as well as support infrastructure such as cooling and electrical systems. This equipment needs constant evaluation to operate as cost-effectively, as possible. The three key energy consuming systems (IT, HVAC, and Electrical) can be made more energy efficient with a lower carbon footprint by applying energy-efficiency measures. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy's three corresponding assessment system tools estimate the energy and carbon reductions associated with individual or groups of energy-saving measures. The objective of this training is to make these tools better known, with a focus on their new functionality. This allows facilities to be in a better position to reduce IT and facility energy use and their carbon footprint.

This training complements information provided in a previous four-part webinar series in FY21, which introduced a broad toolkit for identifying energy-saving opportunities in data centers. Putting this information in the hands of Federal data center operators and energy managers enables achievement of statutory and administrative requirements to reduce their energy use and ensure energy resilience for critical infrastructure – both core Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) objectives. This webinar is presented by the FEMP-sponsored Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).


Jefferey Murrell, Program Manager for the Federal Energy-Intense Facilities (EIF), FEMP  

Jefferey Murrell is program manager for the Federal Energy-Intense Facilities (EIF) program in U.S. DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and is a licensed professional engineer. He also serves as a Program Manager for the Federal Metering and Federal Energy Management and Information System (EMIS) programs. He currently supports the Federal Healthy Building Toolkit (HBT) and Federal Energy Efficient Product Procurement (EEPP) programs. Jeff graduated from Vanderbilt University with a B.S. in General Engineering and graduated from Columbia Southern University with a M.B.A. in Public Administration. He is currently matriculating at California Southern University in the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program, with a focus on energy resiliency and EMIS development/planning.

Magnus Herrlin, Principal Scientific Engineering Associate in the High Tech & Industrial Systems Group, LBNL  

Magnus Herrlin is the president of ANCIS Inc. and has been the program lead for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) training program since 2009. The objective of this certificate program is to raise the standards of those involved in energy assessments of data centers. ANCIS develops advanced indoor environmental and energy solutions for facilities in general and for mission-critical facilities in particular. Over a 30-year career, Magnus has developed energy modeling tools and modeled building energy in commercial and residential structures. He has published or contributed to many papers, reports, and standards chiefly concerning thermal management, energy management, mechanical system design and operation, and IT equipment reliability for data centers and telecom central offices.

Ian Hoffman, Senior Scientific Engineering Associate, LBNL  

Ian Hoffman is a with the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers and other teams in the Building and Industrial Applications department. His work focuses on efficiency and resilience in data centers, individual and societal behavior on energy and efficiency, and utility customer-funded energy efficiency programs.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify the three DOE Energy Assessment System Tools, what they do and how they can be used to help increase energy efficiency and decarbonization in data centers;
  • Identify newly added functionality for carbon savings associated with different energy-efficiency measures;
  • Identify newly added functionality for simple payback associated with different energy-efficiency measures; and
  • Demonstrate an understanding how data can be passed between the tools (high-level integration) to make them work together.