2 Hours
0.3 CEU

This recorded webinar introduces participants to the Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP) Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN). Achieving enhanced energy and water resilience at a site requires federal personnel to engage a variety of stakeholders, address risks, and identify, prioritize, fund, and execute energy and water solutions.

The TRN guides users through a step-by-step planning process with supporting tools and resources. The TRN uses a risk-informed approach to identifying and prioritizing solutions that address resilience gaps and guidance to move towards implementation.

By using the TRN, sites will be able to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities to critical energy and water loads to reduce outage impacts and support continuous mission operations. This interactive and fast-paced recorded webinar includes an overview of the resilience planning framework, key outcomes from TRN modules, a demonstration on the updated web tool, and learning how the TRN could be used to enhance the energy and water resilience at your site.


Stephen Unwin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  

Stephen Unwin's career has centered on the development of uncertainty and risk-analytic methodologies, their application to multi-domain problems of national and commercial importance, and the founding of businesses on those capabilities. He has developed methods and models for risk-informed decision-making that continue to be applied in numerous sectors including nuclear energy, oil and gas, power-grid infrastructure, renewable energy, national security, climate adaptation, the chemical process industries, and the fossil energy sector. Before joining Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in 2006, he founded Brookhaven National Laboratory's Safety Integration Group, SAIC's Risk and Reliability Management Division, Battelle's Integrated Risk Management Group, and Unwin Company Integrated Risk Management, which is a continuing risk-management resource to commercial and government clients. In his current role, he oversees risk management programs in PNNL's Energy and Environment Directorate. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics from Imperial College, London, and a doctorate in theoretical physics from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom..

Eliza Hotchkiss, Senior Analyst and Group Manager, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Eliza Hotchkiss joined the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 2009 and is a senior analyst and group manager developing and leading the Resilient Systems Design and Engineering Group within NREL's Energy Security and Resilience Center. Eliza's areas of expertise include disaster recovery leadership, resilience, and sustainable development efforts. She leads and contributes to resilience assessments for communities, tribes, and military installations and tools and research related to resilience. Her focus is on analysis and outreach to increase deployment of resilient technologies and best practices within infrastructure systems. As co-principal investigator on a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project relating to the value of resilience, Eliza has led research on metrics for resilience, valuation, and monetization of resilience solutions. She holds an MSc from the Oxford School of Architecture, Oxford, England, in energy-efficient and sustainable buildings, and a BA in geography-geology from Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.

Julia Rotondo, Energy Project Manager, Pacific Northwest National Laborator  

Julia Rotondo is a program manager at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) with more than eight years of experience working on energy, climate change, and buildings efficiency issues. This experience includes leading research on connected technologies, miscellaneous loads, and operational technologies cybersecurity. At PNNL, Julia works on several cybersecurity issues, including developing resources to enhance the cybersecurity posture of federal facilities.

Doug Elliott, Senior Research Economist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  

Doug Elliott is a senior research economist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Since joining the lab in 1991, he has participated in a variety of projects focused mainly in the areas of resource efficiency and policy, cost-benefit and regulatory analysis, and software development. Currently, he supports DOE's Federal Energy Management Program through the development of components of its Technical Resilience Navigator. He also supports energy and water security strategy, measurement, and assessment development for the Headquarters, Department of the Army. Doug received a BA in Economics from Whitman College and an MA in Economics from the University of Virginia.

Alexandra Young, Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Alexandra Young is an energy analyst with the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Alexandra provides strategic support, analysis, and project management in the areas of energy, resilience, and sustainability. She previously provided direct mission readiness and program support for the U.S. Army Office of Energy Initiatives, enabling more than 30 renewable energy and resilience projects across the United States. Alexandra has directed strategic initiatives in the local, federal, and defense sectors. She has an M.S. in environmental resource management from the University of South Carolina and a B.S. in community, environment, and development, from Pennsylvania State University.

Kathleen Judd, Buildings and Connected Systems Group Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Kathleen Judd joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2000 and works with government and private organizations to define and achieve their organizational- and building-level sustainability goals. She became the technical group manager of the Building Energy Systems Group on December 1, 2016, and is a direct technical contributor to the group's applied research. Kathleen has led the development of site-level climate vulnerability assessments for the U.S. Department of Energy and action plans to make federal campuses more resilient to climate change impacts. She leads assessments of existing building performance against federal energy and sustainability goals and is helping to define more efficient methods for building performance evaluation at the site, building, and laboratory level. In addition to identifying technology solutions, she emphasizes the role of institutional policies and individual behavior in creating more sustainable organizations. She holds a bachelor's degree from Miami University and MBA and MS from the University of Michigan.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this training, attendees will:

  • Be able to access and use FEMP's TRN;
  • Understand how to apply the TRN in their own contexts to initiate a resilience planning process, collect data and resources, assess risk, identify and prioritize solutions that enhance energy and water resilience at the site level; and
  • Have tangible next-steps for how to initiate and pursue a resilience planning effort at their own sites.