1.5 Hours
0.20 CEU

Following up on Part I of this two–part series, this on–demand webinar will explore how to optimize laboratories through training and procurement. Part I spoke to the changes that can lead to more sustainable operations. Part II will address how training and smarter procurement choices can increase the impact of those changes in the laboratory.

My Green Lab, in partnership with the Federal Energy Management Program and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, has released a series of training videos around laboratory optimization. These videos cover energy, water, waste, and hazardous chemical use and may be used on their own or in conjunction with the Green Lab Certification program. My Green Lab has also recently launched an eco-label for laboratory products, called ACT. Created to provide information on the impact of laboratory products, the ACT label has been quietly revolutionizing the life science, industrial science, and healthcare industries.

Participants will learn how to use these new resources effectively as part of the Smart Labs Accelerator program.


Allison Paradise, Founder, CEO, My Green Lab  

Allison Paradise is the Founder and CEO of My Green Lab. Under her leadership My Green Lab has established itself as a pioneer in laboratory sustainability. The organization developed the first nationally recognized standard for laboratory operations, established the first ENERGY STAR category for laboratory equipment, and recently released the first eco-label for laboratory products. As CEO Allison regularly speaks at industry meetings and scientific conferences. She holds degrees in neuroscience from Brown and Harvard.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar learners will know:

  • Where to access the new Smart Science training videos;
  • How the Smart Science training videos can be used with the Green Lab Certification program;
  • Best practices for procurement in laboratories;
  • How to integrate Green Lab Certification, Green Lab initiatives, Smart Science training; and
  • The ACT label into a cohesive Green Lab program.